31 January 2025
The following In-depth Guides have been reviewed and updated where necessary. Unless otherwise specified, the updates apply to England, Scotland and Wales.
Updated Business in Focus guides
Chemical safety of vapes
Vaping products
Am I in business? (new guidance)
Antiques and antiquities
Botox and cosmetic fillers (E)
Egg producers selling directly to consumers
Electrically assisted pedal cycles (e-bikes)
Energy Performance Certificates (E&W)
Environmental ('green') claims
Home Reports and Energy Performance Certificates (S)
Identification and movement of pigs (S)
Internet auction sites and marketplaces
Landlords, letting agents and property management
Property descriptions: sale or let
One-day and occasional sales
Payment surcharges
Providing price information
Sale and resale of tickets
Selling and supplying goods
Tobacco and vapes
Used car sales